Math 140

Fall 2017


Instructor:     Dr. Don Thompson

RAC 121




Office Hours:            M 9, T 14, R 13, F 14

Course Website:   

Learning Outcomes:  The Calculus was conceived in the 17th century by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. It is applicable in every field of science, ranging from Economics to Physics.  At the completion of this course, the student will be able to do the following:  Explain the meaning and application of the derivative; Explain the meaning and application of the integral; Solve classic problems in differential and integral Calculus with respect to polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions; Solve first order linear differential equations; Apply the methods of the Calculus to classic problems in Business & Economics. These course learning outcomes align with the following learning outcome in the business and international business programs: Evaluate accounting and business problems from the perspective of multiple business disciplines and then formulate, communicate, and defend recommendations to decision-makers based on those evaluations.

University Mission: 

This course supports the mission of the university because the study of mathematics in a business program is one of our high standards of academic excellence.



May result in an automatic failure in the class.  It is plagiarism if you (1) borrow a paper from another student, (2) turn in a paper written by any other person, (3) take material (pages, paragraphs, sentences, or ideas) from any printed source without giving credit.  See


Disability Services:

Any student with a documented disability (physical, learning, or psychological) needing academic accommodations should contact the Disability Services Office (Main Campus, Tyler Campus Center 264, x6500) as early in the semester as possible.  All discussions will remain confidential.  Please visit for additional information.


Textbook:      Brief Applied Calculus. James Stewart & Daniel Clegg. Brooks/Cole Publishing, 2011. ISBN 0534423825.


Examination Schedule:

Test 1 – Sep 22; Test 2 – Oct 20; Test 3 – Nov 17

Test 4 (Final Exam)

            Section 2 (10:00)      7:30-10:00, Dec 12 (Tuesday)       

            Section 3 (11:00)      1:30-4:00, Dec 14 (Thursday)



Check my website for all homework assignments. Homework will be collected each Monday.



Tests – 90% (20%, 20%, 20%, 30%); Homework – 10%



The best way to learn anything, especially mathematics, is by repetition and preparation. Accordingly, homework will be assigned daily, graded and returned. Buy three Blue Books from the bookstore for homework submission.



It is your job as a student to come to class, read the book, work problems, and ask questions when you don’t understand material.  Excessive absences will result in a lower grade.